My brother traveled here from Colorado and did some more house projects. My house is smarter than me. At this point, from my phone, I can monitor and control:
– garage door
– air quality
– electricity consumption
– window blinds
– thermostats
– solar panel production
And I can monitor the water use as I use it.
Tasks completed:
- soldering work on trailer connection
- move frequently checked network items to lower shelf
- starlink router
- DSL router
- A/B switch
- Cisco router
- Map out all circuit breakers with full detail
- in house
- in garage
- install two electricity monitors
- test all inputs to each monitor
- smart garage door implementation
- replace garage door button
- Get Purple air quality monitor working
- install metal edging around house foundation by Thursday when excavator comes to lay river stone.
- living room floor outlet trim
- move heavy book case from garage to living room
- level out kitchen window shade, left side keeps dropping off front bracket
- change angle of solar array, document future angle changes
- troubleshoot garage door sensor problem
- added phone number in FOTAI system
- figure out intermittent wifi connection for main thermostat
- thermostat hardwire connection tightened
- Map out all circuit breakers with full detail